Guess what? You (probably) don’t need a new website.

Are you thinking about redesigning your website? And it’s giving you the heebie-jeebies because you know what an expensive, time consuming, cat-herding project it is? 

Let me tell you how you can spend $189 on my framework instead of thousands on a redesign and improve the performance of your site.

I’ve spent almost 20 years as a user experience lead. What I’ve discovered is that most of the issues that cause potential customers to hit the back button are content issues.  Things you can fix without a designer or developer. Without an outside contractor. 

Then I thought, there’s no reason why my clients can’t do this work for themselves. 

This framework is based on the same 6 steps I go through with my clients. In the end, your website will be aligned with how your customers want to do business with you. User experience roadblocks removed and conversions up.

$189 USD, a 30-day money back guarantee, and thousands of dollars left in your budget. Read on 👇

Why am I qualified to help?

Stephanie Lummis

I’ve worked in web since 1995 and part of my first job was giving people demos of this cool new thing called the World Wide Web. I have spent most of my career watching and learning how people behave on websites.

I’ve worked on hundreds of user experience projects for organizations like yours, who want their website to be an asset and help grow their business.

Over the years I’ve seen patterns of behaviour, and developed a process that gets to the heart of what your website is about – getting your customers to the right content at the right time in their decision making process. And most importantly – not getting in their way.


Clear Paths for Customers: 6 Steps to a High Performing Website

This framework enables small business owners to remove the roadblocks on their website that prevent customers from engaging. You’ll create clear paths through content that align with the customers’ decision-making journey.

The results? In as little as 4-8 weeks you can reduce costs and increase revenue: 

  • Decrease reliance on external contractors and your IT team
  • Increase your web savvy and gain confidence in your website decisions
  • Reduce support calls and emails from customers
And most importantly, 
  • Attract a more qualified audience to your site and convert them at a higher rate
  • Generate more leads, sales, registrations, donations, etc.

These 6 steps are all about enabling a trusted relationship to form on your website. It doesn’t matter if you’re an educator, a manufacturer, or if you sell consumer goods or professional services. Or who your audience is. Your website has to play the role of an in-person meeting to try and establish rapport and build a relationship.

You could go it alone…

You could learn to realign your website on your own – all of this information is freely available through Google searches and books and webinars and blog posts and conference material.  

However, I have distilled over 25 years of experience into 6 steps that guide you step-by-step through a process that I have carried out for dozens and dozens of organizations. 

This framework works with any business. I’ve used it with a wide range of organizations:

  • Custom orthotics manufacturer
  • Senior home care services
  • B2B SaaS company
  • Architectural design firm
  • Financial software
  • Not-for-profit organizations

It works because it’s based on your customers. Their needs and behaviors are the foundation of the decisions you’ll make for your website.

The 6 Steps


What is user experience?

Understand the importance of your website in establishing trust with your audience and its role in creating customers and long-term relationships

Assess the UX of your website

What is user experience?

Charting your customer’s journey

Understand the decision-making process of your customers – how and why they choose products or services like yours

Create an empathy map for your customer

Create a customer journey map

Charting your customer’s journey

Mapping your content

Identify all of the content that should be on your site, to address your customers’ needs at each step of their decision making

Mapping your content

Taking stock of your current site

Complete an inventory of what content you have now

Do a gap analysis to see what’s missing and what’s in excess, so you can move forward with the right content

Update your sitemap

Taking stock of your current site

Crafting the journey architecture

Identify clear paths through your content, designed to attract customers, persuade them to explore your site, and nudge them toward establishing a relationship with you

Write and place calls to action on your site

Crafting the journey architecture

Measuring your success

Identify what behaviours on your site indicate it’s performing well

Create a measurement framework

Configure your site to track what’s important

Measuring your success

All steps follow the same formula

  • Each step starts with a ~20 – 30 minute video where I share the concepts – diving into the why, what and how. There are lots of examples along the way.
  • Then, you get to put what you learned into practice for your own website. There are blank templates for you to print or complete online.
  • You also get supporting documents. It might be a cheat sheet, a how-to guide, or a list of other great resources. (18 in all!)

The steps build on each other. That means, to get the most out of the process, you have to complete the work before you carry on to the next. How long that takes depends on how big your site is, and if you’re working alone or with a team. Budget a few hours per step.

Your Investment

$189 USD
  • 6 steps with video lessons – $2,100 value
  • 18 worksheets, checklists, templates and guides – $540 value
  • Total value: $2,640      Your price: $189      


I’m confident you’ll find tremendous value in carrying out these 6 steps for your own website. However, if for any reason you aren’t happy with the content and the potential upside for your business, you’re not stuck. Simply send me an email within the first 30 days and I’ll give you a 100% refund. (Does not apply to Done-Together version.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this online or in person?

All materials are online. When you sign up you’ll get access to an online portal where you’ll watch the videos and download the worksheets and other resources.

How much does it cost?

The full program and materials is regularly priced at $189 USD.

How much time do I need to invest?

How long the work takes you is dependent on how big your website and organization are. I know you are all taking time out of running businesses to do this, so I have tried to make it bite-sized. If you could budget 2-3 hours of focused time for each step you should see good progress. 

What if I’m unhappy? What’s your return policy?

If you aren’t happy, send me an email within the first 30 days and I’ll give you a 100% refund, and you can keep the materials.

Do the materials ever expire?

Your access to the online portal where the course materials are housed won’t expire. That being said, the web changes so certain aspects and examples in the material will become out of date over time. I’ll do my best to keep them current.

What website/technical knowledge do I need?

You’ll need:
Administrator-level access to your content management system. You’ll need to do things like: 

  • edit text
  • add buttons
  • create new pages
  • rearrange order in menus
  • delete pages

Administrator access to Google Analytics or another analytics tool. Familiarity with your analytics tool is an asset.

Does it matter what content management system (CMS) I use?

No, my clients run WordPress, Drupal, Wix, Squarespace, Adobe AEM, to name a few. However, they are all a little different. Where one CMS may allow you to update a particular field in 1 step, another may be more complex.

Can my entire team take part?

By all means! If you’d like to work through the steps as a group, it’s a great learning experience. For some of the tasks, “divide and conquer” is a good approach. For others, being able to collaborate is beneficial. Those who work on your website now and/or interact closely with customers will be great contributors.

What if I need help?

Send me an email, plain and simple.

What if I need even more help?

Self-directed programs aren’t for everyone. For 1-on-1 guidance for all 6 steps and worksheets, I offer a Done-Together version. Or, if you would like a bit of additional coaching to complete the steps, I’m available for individual consultations or smaller group sessions. Reach out to me and we can see what works best for you.

What are you waiting for?

If you want to kick-start the performance of your website without investing in an expensive redesign project, and increase your web knowledge along the way, this course is the answer: 

  • Better quality visitors
  • More conversions
  • Your website will be an asset to your business.

Yes, sign me up for Clear Paths to Customers: 6 Steps to a High Performing Website.

Not sure yet that this framework is right for you? Watch this 40 minute free webinar to learn more about the 6-Steps framework.